The transport phenomena such as mass balance, momentum balance, and heat
balance are briefly explained for the basis of modeling, where all the appropriate models
must be constructed based on the principles which govern the organisms and their living
environment. The model reduction by singular perturbation is explained for the simple
enzyme reaction. The basic modeling approaches such as flux balance analysis (FBA),
metabolic flux analysis (MFA), kinetic model, and their integration are briefly explained.
Unstructure models are explained for the batch, fed-batch, and continuous cultures. For the
modeling of Eco-systems, some population dynamic models are explained. As the datadriven
modeling, the structure and the algorithm of artificial neural networks (ANNs) are
explained together with simple examples. These modeling approaches may cover a variety
of modeling approaches to the variety of cell systems.
Keywords: Flux balance analysis, metabolic flux analysis, kinetic modeling, mass
balance, momentum balance, heat balance, unstructured model, cybernetic model,
singular perturbation, population dynamics, age model, artificial neural networks