In this chapter, two different instruments of involving citizens and users in
public sector are analyzed. More precisely, we focus on deliberative mini-publics and
user-driven innovations. The chapter puts forward two empirical cases where these
instruments have been experimented in Finland. These cases illustrate how the use of
these instruments offers new roles and opportunities for citizens to influence policies
and their implementation. The analysis sheds light on the underpinnings, procedures
and outcomes of these instruments, and focuses on possible roles of citizens in public
sector innovation. The cases analyzed in this chapter show that the impact of citizen
involvement does not necessarily depend so much on the type of instrument used in
involving citizens. Rather, openness and receptiveness by policy-makers appear to be
more important than the intentions behind the used techniques. Furthermore, our case
studies suggest that there may sometimes be trade-offs between the goals of inclusion
and innovation capacity.
Keywords: Deliberative mini-publics, User-driven innovation, Citizen roles,
Public sector innovation.