Modern lifestyles in the developed world have led to decreased levels of
physical activity. In addition to the contribution, physical inactivity has increased rates
of overweight and obesity, physical inactivity has independently been cited as the fourth
leading risk factor for non-communicable diseases. In this chapter, we review current
guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, and contrasts them with
actual energy expenditures reported in research around the world. We highlight the
relationship between physical inactivity, overweight, obesity, and non-communicable
diseases. We also identify major contributors to the decline in rates of physical activity
in recent years, including availability of public and private modes of transportation,
occupational limitations on leisure time, increased time spent in sedentary activities,
such as television watching and computer use, and barriers to purposeful exercise.
Finally, we review some popular initiatives and recommendations for improving the
frequency and quality of physical activity among Americans.
Keywords: Barriers, behavior, CDC, exercise, fitness, global health, health status,
lifestyle, nutrition, obesity, overweight, Physical inactivity, public health, risk,
weight, wellness.