Global challenges in chemicals and energies comprise:
• Increasing constraints in supply from fossils and recently nuclear power.
• Increasing constraints by regulations (CO2 emission, global warming, …).
• Increasing demand e.g. spurred by the dynamic growths in the BRICS countries.
• By 2020 China is projected to consume more than 50% of the global energy.
Corresponding R+D organizations need to cope with the challenges typically with the
same amount of resources. The only way out of this “catch 22” is to standardize and
accelerate materials R+D via enabling, automated solutions for e.g.:
• Catalyst preparation by incipient wetness impregnation, excessive liquid
impregnation, (co-)precipitation (mixed oxides), hydrothermal treatment
(zeolites) and screening in e.g. hydrogenation, alkylation, isomerization,
oxidation, cracking.
• Ligand and organometallic catalyst synthesis and screening for e.g.
polyolefins, rubbers, fine and specialty chemicals.
• Catalyst testing / optimization in batch, semi-continuous, continuous mode.
• Alternative energy solutions (e.g. solar cell, battery, storage, fuel cell
• Renewable chemicals (e.g. from biomass, CO2).
Case studies and platform approaches from different research groups (section 9.1 to 9.5)
on fuel cell, biorefinery, fine and specialty chemicals, basic chemicals, exhaust gas and
syn gas catalysis provide examples about benefits, implementation scenarios, and stateof-
the-art research platforms / approaches in catalysis R+D. The contributions of the
different research groups are presented in correspondingly autonomous sections.
Keywords: Catalysis, hybrid catalysis, energy-related catalysis, catalysts, synthesis,
preparation, screening, testing, formulation, electrochemistry, high throughput, high
output, automated, parallel experimentation, reproducibility, scalability,
standardization, downscaling, upscaling, reaction optimization, gas phase, liquid
phase, hydrogenation, methanol synthesis, biorefinery, biotechnology, zeolites,
vitamins, fine chemicals, specialty chemicals, basic chemicals, petrochemicals,
polymers, materials, biomass, PEM fuel cell, liquid catholyte, polyoxometalate,
exhaust gas, synthesis gas, characterization, parallel characterization, structureperformance
relationships, computational screening, scaling relations, X-ray
absorption spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, in situ spectroscopy.