Hemodialysis involves a complex regimen involving adherence to treatment,
fluid, medication and diet prescriptions. Studies examining adherence to treatment,
fluid, medication and diet prescriptions in adult hemodialysis patients from 2007 to
May 2012 were reviewed and results presented. Eleven studies (two randomized
controlled trial and nine quasi-experimental studies) were identified attempting to
enhance hemodialysis adherence. A randomized controlled trial study design with a
large, diverse nonadherent sample testing a theory-based intervention delivered by
multi-disciplinary teams address the system in which the patient functions may enhance
adherence to treatment, fluid, medication and diet adherence.
Keywords: Hemodialysis, adherence, diet, fluid, interventions, dialysis treatment,
systematic review, adult, nonadherence, efficacy, IDWG, hyperphosphatemia,
hypoalbuminemia, missed treatments, shortened treatments, treatment adequacy,
cognitive intervention, behavioral intervention, affective intervention, personal
system-focused intervention.