Issues of applying the compensation method application are studied,
including the heterogeneous nature of the media, optimal placement of main and
auxiliary radiators, the dark spot dimensions, the reduction factor and variation of the
total and local SAR, retention of patterns and field strength. Results of calculations,
performed by different methods, are compared with each other and with experiment. A
technique of protecting system against external action is described; the automatic
adjustment circuit is developed. Recommendations for using the compensation method
in a wide frequency range are given.
Keywords: Additional radiator, Automatic adjustment circuit, Compensation
method, Dark spot, Dark spot boundary, Employment of reflectors, Equivalent
relative permittivity, External actions, Heterogeneous media, Higher efficiency of
fields retention, Homogeneous medium, Low efficiency of the variant of currents,
Main radiator, Proximity of metallic bodies, Radiation pattern, Radiators
placement at equal distances from the compensation point, Reduction factor,
Retention of driving currents, Retention of radiators fields, Total and maximum
local SAR, Use of two additional radiators, Wideband field compensation.