Сlinoptilolite-containing tuffs as ion-exchangers play an important role in water
decontamination. The shortest scientifically grounded way to determine the optimal
conditions or to forecast the results of ion-exchange processes lies in the mathematical
modeling of both sorption and regeneration stages. The theory of the ion-exchange
dynamics has been developed and used for modeling and calculation of technological tasks
on ion-exchange resins. A bank of solutions for the dynamic ion-exchange tasks was
created in the Laboratory of Sorption Methods of the Vernadsky Institute. The ion
exchange on natural zeolites – clinoptilolites is characterized by a number of specific
features, particularly, two-stage particle diffusion kinetics. The possibilities for using
available solutions of sorption dynamics for modeling and calculation of the ion-exchange
processes on natural zeolites were estimated. It was shown that the use of available
solutions is possible if the sorption of target components is described by linear or nearly
linear isotherms. The actual examples of application of known theoretical solutions of the
sorption dynamics for modeling and calculating of ion exchange processes on natural
clinoptilolites are presented in this article. The breakthrough times of some technological
filters loaded with clinoptilolite are also calculated.
Keywords: Сlinoptilolite-containing tuffs, waters decontamination, ion-exchange, the
dynamic ion-exchange tasks, mathematical modeling and calculation, bank of
solutions, examples of application, technological filters, forecast of the ion-exchange
process results, breakthrough times estimation, optimal conditions.