The generation of flow configuration (design, shape, structure, patterns,
rhythms) is a phenomenon that occurs across the board, in animate and inanimate flow
systems. Scientists have struggled to understand the origins of this phenomenon.
Among the configurations, tree-shaped structures dominate the design of natural and
man-made flow systems. Why are they so important? Is there a physics principle from
which their configuration can be deduced?
Constructal theory, conceived by Adrian Bejan, is the view that the generation of configuration in
nature is a universal phenomenon, which is covered by a law of physics-the constructal law. This
chapter addresses the generation of tree-shaped design in the light of constructal theory.
First, we briefly review the constructal theory that is applicable to animate and
inanimate flow systems. Next, we review the studies that are focused on the constructal
view of tree-shaped flow structures. The constructal theory presented in this chapter
introduces a new paradigm that is universally applicable in nature, engineering and
social sciences.
Keywords: Constructal theory, design in nature, topology optimization, lungs,
tree networks, dendritic, flow geometry, constructal design, Murray law,
tributaries streams, rivers basins, oscillatory flow.