“On the Separation of Church and Science” provides an introduction to the
book. It simply starts the conversation about the controversy between science and
spirituality. This chapter uses the constitutional principle of separation of church and
state as a metaphor for how modern secular societies may perceive spirituality as the
antithesis of science. It claims that many people today feel comfortable with the idea
that science and spirituality should be two separate areas of knowledge; however, the
author personally disagrees with this notion. If the right assumptions are made, then
science can be used to validate invisible elements of the universe that could provide
tangible evidence of the presence of a higher consciousness.
Keywords: God, the bible, creationism, theory of evolution, separation of
church and state, conflict between science and religion, creation science,
intelligent design, religious indoctrination, state atheism, the scientific
revolution, the galileo affair, philosophers, self-evident truth, senses of
perception, empirical validation, the scientific method, scientific facts, spiritual
beliefs, higher consciousness.