Quantum effects on the Planck scale in the Type II superconductor have the potential for new
phenomena stemming from high internal energies associated with symmetry breaking phase transitions,
which can give Planck time energy fluctuations of ~6x1024 [J/s] per coherent electron pair in association
with the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) scalar field across Josephson junctions; whereby, the Ginzburg-Landau (GL)
scalar field provides a medium for producing interactions among quantum energy fluctuations and quantum
gravity fields during rapid phase transitions. It is calculated that laboratory scale apparatus could produce
radiated Planck scale energies or quantum gravitational waves on the order of 10-5 [J] per coherent electron
pair with gravitational energy absorption on the human scale (i.e., measurable effect) of 10-4 [J].
Keywords: Gravitational forces, theories of gravitation, superconductors, high-Tc superconductors, low-Tc
superconductors, type-II superconductors, ginzburg-landau field, josephson junctions, general relativity,
symmetry breaking, planck scale, vacuum energy density, gravitational waves.