The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the control problem of a complex system called the
Inertia Wheel Inverted Pendulum (IWIP) using fuzzy logic technique. In this study, the IWIP is controlled
using three different fuzzy controller designs: a self-tuning fuzzy Proportional-Integral-Derivative
controller, a Mamdani-type fuzzy logic controller, and a Sugeno-type fuzzy logic controller. The
performance of the designed controllers in regard to achieving stable control of the IWIP is compared and
discussed. The main objective of this chapter is to address fuzzy logic controller design efficiently in a
simple manner without prior knowledge of fuzzy sets theory. The only mathematics used is to describe the
IWIP nonlinear physical model. Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC) design is explained based on the intuitive
and experimental functioning of the IWIP system. The IWIP is simulated under different fuzzy control
methods using Simulink™ fuzzy logic toolbox, Mathworks Inc. The IWIP parameters are provided, and our
hope is that this study will serve as a benchmark for graduate students and engineers interested in applying
fuzzy logic techniques in their project.
Keywords: Inertia wheel pendulum, fuzzy controllers.