Medicinal plants offer significant therapeutic potential due to the presence of
bioactive phytochemicals. This renders them promising candidates for the treatment of
a wide range of ailments. Diabetes, a severe metabolic disorder, is conventionally
managed using commercial pharmaceutical drugs. Nevertheless, these prescription
medications are both economical and linked to various adverse effects. The increasing
popularity of herbal remedies is attributed to their cost-effectiveness and their capacity
to deliver enhanced therapeutic benefits with fewer associated side effects. This chapter
is dedicated to the exploration of well-known medicinal plants, including Trigonella,
Syzium, Punica, Momordica, and Gymnema species, for their efficacy in addressing
issues related to diabetes. The principal goal of this chapter is to offer an in-depth
examination of the chemical compositions and preclinical assessments that substantiate
their anti-diabetic properties.
Keywords: Anar, Diabetes, Gulmar, Jamun, Methi, Preclinical studies.