Swertia chirayita (Family; Gentianaceae) is a well-known medicinal plant
from the temperate Himalayas and is used in traditional medicine to treat a number of
illnesses, including liver issues, malaria, and diabetes. The medicinal use of S. chirayita
is extensively documented in the Indian Pharmacy Codex, the British and American
Pharmacopoeias, as well as in a number of traditional medical systems, including
Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha. This plant's primary distinguishing feature is its bitter
flavor, which arises from the presence of several bioactive compounds that may offer
health benefits to people. Growing demand for this important medicinal plant on a
national and international scale has prompted unethical wild harvesting and
adulteration of the supply. Consequently, there has been a sharp decline in the plant's
population, putting it at risk of extinction. Therefore, the objective of this chapter is to
give a summary of recent discoveries in the areas of morphology and distribution,
traditional usages, biotechnology, phytochemistry, pharmacological effects, and safety
evaluations of S. chirayita.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Bioactivities, Drug, Medicine, Phytocompounds, Therapy.