The Andrographis of the Acanthaceae family is one of the potential sources for many pharmacological drugs with a wide array of essential phytochemicals. The present review summarizes the micropropagation of several Andrographis species viz., A. affinis Nees, A. alata (Vahl) Nees, A. echioides (L.) Nees, A. lineata Nees, A. lobelioides Wight, A. macrobotrys Nees, A. neesiana Wight, A. paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees, and A. producta Gamble. Nodal and shoot tip explants were suitable for in vitro shoot regeneration, whereas, for callus induction and indirect regeneration studies, cotyledonary leaf and hypocotyl segments were better choices as explants. The major surface sterilants used were alcohol (70%) and mercuric chloride (0.1-0.2%). Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium was the prime choice for in vitro regeneration studies of Andrographis.
Keywords: Andrographis, Acanthaceae family, In vitro regeneration, Micropropagation, Phytochemicals, Surface sterilants.