Tinospora cordifolia (TC), a renowned medicinal herb, is widely employed in Ayurveda and other folk medicines under the name “Giloy” in India and neighboring countries for curing diverse human ailments. It encompasses a vast array of bioactive compounds, such as alkaloids, diterpenoids, and steroids. Conventionally, TC is utilized for boosting memory, regulation of the immune system, as well as enhancing mental clarity. The paste of its stem is ingested to treat fever, while the entire plant is utilized for treating jaundice and chronic diarrhea. Furthermore, the extracts of TC have been extensively used in the treatment of various diseases due to their antiinflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial, anti-osteoporotic, anti-asthmatic, antiallergic, and antidiabetic activities. Therefore, the intention of this chapter is to accentuate the bioactive components of TC and their pharmacological properties of TC.
Keywords: Anti-arthritis, Antidiabetic, Diterpenoids, Giloy, Steroids, Tinospora cordifolia.