Mycorrhiza is the mutually beneficial relationship between a plant and a
fungus colonizing its roots wherein the plant provides carbohydrates to fungi, in return
Mycorrhizal fungal partner imparts several advantages to plants viz., making otherwise
unavailable nutrients available to the plant, imparting resistance to diseases. It also has
the potential to be used extensively not only for growth and yield but also for disease
and insect control along with nutrient cycling, heavy metal assimilation, land
reclamation, restoration and so on. The application of mycorrhizal biotechnology has
great potential and can play an essential role in the restoration of degraded lands in
many surface-mined areas. This chapter is an overview of the prospects, potential and
possibilities of Mycorrhiza in agriculture, industry and other environmental
Keywords: Classification, Ectotrophic, Endotrophic, Importance, Mycorrhiza.