The Sustainable Development Goal 11 aims to make cities inclusive, safe,
resilient, and sustainable. With economic growth and development, the number cities
has increased, and the slums are also increasing, which cause a number of problems
like solid waste management, pollution, poor traffic systems, and many more. Among
other major concerns, one significant concern is that of energy consumption. To protect
the environment, it has become significant to act sustainably and choose sustainable
ways to develop cities. Globally, there has been raising concern over the disparities and
energy-related CO2
emissions. With an increase in the number of people living in cities,
the construction of sustainable cities has become necessary; hence in this regard, it has
become crucial to concentrate on technological innovation in energy efficiency. The
sustainable urban development path will transform cities to achieve Goal 11 for the
path to a sustainable future. Energy efficiency is one of the most immediate aspects on
which the whole world needs to work. This study seeks to explain the contribution of
technology to support energy-efficient tools for constructing sustainable cities. This
study represents dimensions of sustainable development and convergence of energy
efficient technology enabling advanced levels of sustainable development along with
the challenges and key policy recommendations to achieve Goal 11.
Keywords: Energy efficiency, Sustainability, Sustainable city, Sustainable development, Technological innovation.