In a world where hunger and malnourishment are still a matter of concern,
food loss, wastage, and its timely availability must be addressed immediately. Based on
an extensive literature review and secondary data, this manuscript has tried to come up
with holistic, contemporary solutions for food supply chain management. Against this
backdrop, tools viz., IoT, AI, and blockchain will not only manage food loss, wastage,
and timely availability but also revamp transparency, food quality and safety. IoT
architecture offers tracking solutions through measurement, network, service, and
application layers using various sensors and WiFi-connected devices. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things are becoming significant facilitators of
supply chain management (SCM) optimization. The adoption of AI technology has
been associated with a 15% reduction in logistics costs, a 35% reduction in inventory
levels, and a 65% increase in customer service levels. It assists in demand forecasting,
enhanced safety, cost saving, boosting revenue, and chiefly on-time delivery. Block
Chain Technology (BCT) system can be programmed to record and track food supply
chain transactions. Chhattisgarh in India has developed the Centralized Online RealTime Electronic Public Distribution System (CORE-PDS) and has become a model
state in the ‘Public Distribution System (PDS)’. Unfortunately, Chhattisgarh’s model
fell prey to scams viz., bogus ration cards, irregularities in rice stock, and poor quality
rice and salt samples collected, which were unsuitable for human consumption because
of no mid-term audit and monitoring. The chapter concludes that all these anomalies
would not have happened to such an extent or have been addressed timely if the
technological trinity viz., IoT, AI, and Blockchain, had been incorporated judiciously
into the PDS system.
Keywords: Blockchain, Chhattisgarh’s PDS Model, Food Supply Chain, Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).