India has a rich tradition of the use of herbal medicine since the time
immemorial. The treatment using plant-based medicaments became possible owing to
the rich medicinal plant biodiversity. Several spices used on a regular basis in food
preparation offer protection from a variety of ailments. Further, food consumption in
different parts of the country has evolved based on culture, tradition, weather, and
availability of resource materials. In a rural set-up, generally, the food is cruder but
natural and thus healthier. Food harnessing and garnishing have become a standard
practice to enhance the taste and look. Some of the herbs are used directly as food
whereas others as food additives. Simultaneously, a large number of phytoconstituents
have been characterized for their medicinal properties. In this chapter, we report on
Phytoconstituents used for herbal formulation and discuss their therapeutic potential in
human diseases. It is envisaged that such information would be of great use for
ameliorating diseases ensuring better health complementing the concept of
personalized medicine.
Keywords: Food additives, Human diseases, Medicinal plants, Phytoconstituents, Personalized medicine.