Mushrooms are popular because of their high nutritional value.
Biotechnology provides powerful tools for the sustainable development of mushrooms.
Many advances in the non-meat-based food industry represent the significant role of
mushroom biotechnology. Mushrooms are a rich source of proteins and have low or
zero fat and cholesterol. In addition, some mushrooms are a source of bioactive
compounds. Therefore, mushroom-based products have become widely accepted foods
worldwide. The new techniques used to meet the consumer requirements of the
mushroom increase the quality and convenience to use new product development.
Technological developments have generally witnessed increasing crop production
capacities in cultivation technologies. Besides that, new mushroom-based food
products are developing; and the production techniques are innovated to improve the
quality of final mushroom-based goods. The mushroom-based products are mainly
produced as a result of contributions from mushroom cultivation in developing
countries such as China, Europe, India, USA, and Vietnam. The challenge is finding
opportunities to increase mushroom and mushroom-based product consumption
capabilities with increasing world population and non-meat-based food consumption.
This chapter reviews the recent advances and challenges for sustainable production of
mushroom-based products as a non-meat food source in the food industry.
Keywords: Bioactive, Food industry, Nutrients, Non-meat based, Mushrooms.