The present chapter explores the extensive realm of law pertaining to
occupational safety and health (OSH), with a particular emphasis on its application
within the member states of the European Union (EU). It provides a comprehensive
analysis of the European Union's regulatory framework pertaining to occupational
health and safety. It aims to underscore the crucial significance of this regulatory
framework in safeguarding the well-being and rights of workers throughout EU
member states.
The focus of this discussion shifts towards the future trajectory of the European Union's
Occupational Safety and Health (EU OSH) framework, which is expected to have a
significant role in shaping policies and practices from 2021 to 2027. Relevant factors
encompass the significant influence of sustainability and digital transformation on the
realm of occupational safety and health (OSH) practices. These factors highlight the
direction that is influencing the future of workplace safety and well-being.
The Directive Spectrum: Among the several directives, the “Framework Directive”
(89/391/EEC) assumes a prominent role. Every directive is rigorously detailed,
providing minimum criteria for different aspects of workplace safety.
In conclusion, this chapter emphasizes the fundamental need for collaboration between
corporate entities, employees, and governmental agencies. This collaboration is crucial
for promoting workplace safety and fostering secure working conditions. This
comprehension is accompanied by a heightened awareness of the significant influence
exerted by such legislation on the collective journey toward the establishment of safer
and healthier work environments in EU countries.
Keywords: Occupational Health and Safety (OSH), EU legislation.