The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the conceptual
framework of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). It examines the legal framework
for safety and health, focusing on the key features and significant historical changes of
both old and modern legislative OSH frameworks. The chapter presents a variety of
legal instruments with different jurisdictions and legislative orders, and it concentrates
on the offender of the omission who has created a risky condition that has made it
easier for the consequence to arise by earlier action or inaction. In addition, the active
subject of the offense is recognised as the individual who must adopt legal safety and
health measures at work, as well as patrimonial culpability when the employer fails to
comply with legal obligations to guarantee health and safety at work. After reading this
chapter, the reader should be able to outline the legal framework for safety and health
and to describe the influence of the European Union on OSH, identifying the key
sources of health and safety information.
Keywords: European Union, Legal framework, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).