Pragmatic Internet of Everything (IOE) for Smart Cities: 360-Degree Perspective

Pithy & Comprehensive Review of Practical and Literal Models

Author(s): Debajit Mishra*, Muskan Jindal and Dimitrios A. Karras

Pp: 14-39 (26)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815136173123010004

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The development and success of various smart cities is contingent on the multiple models of expertise they employ and execute like a functional and smart infrastructure to handle traffic chaos, a sustainable water recycling system, a smart administration task manager, or an efficient waste management plant. The development and efficacy of various smart cities are directly dependent on the efficiency of multiple models it employees. Thus, the presented study aims to review, analyse and document the various models that perform mundane tasks “smartly”, on the basis of key criteria namely: efficacy on the task in hand, power and time consumption, human interaction, upfront cost and operational task. These outcomes are then collated, and assayed by the application of various mathematical and statistical models to determine their performance as compared to the pre-existing non-technical approach of pursuing the same. Finally, the purpose of this study is to present a complete analysis of the performance of various models of smart cities to comprehend the profitability overall and provide suitable points to improve the same.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Operational & Upfront Cost, Performance Quotient.

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