The term manufactured brilliance connotes both opportunities and threats to
humanity. As a global trend, intelligence is becoming relevant at almost every level of
social behavior, raising both high expectations and serious concerns. Numerous
algorithms, models and methods, as well as machine learning, databases, and
visualizations, are reflected in artificial intelligence. One of the main benefits is that
AI-driven machines adhere to consistently rational algorithmic rules without being
biased. Ethical considerations aim to instill morality in machines and make AI-driven
robots more human. The process of simulating human intelligence using machines,
particularly computer systems, is known as artificial intelligence. Expert systems,
natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision are some specific
applications of cleverness. This chapter explains its working, issues faced by the same
and challenges of the technology
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Challenges, Expert systems, Human intelligence, Intelligent behaviour, Machine learning, Taxonomy.