Advanced Catalysts Based on Metal-organic Frameworks (Part 2)

Electrocatalytic Meralorganic Frameworks and OER Based on Metal-organic Frameworks and their Structure

Author(s): Yingchong Huang, Shuxuan Liu, Tuyuan Zhu, Chunyan Zhou, Zhanguo Jiang* and Xuehui Gao *

Pp: 86-128 (43)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815136029123010005

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Electrochemical water splitting has received extensive attention and research due to its ability to effectively produce and store clean energy. Water splitting includes hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER). The complex reaction mechanism of the two half-reactions leads to slow kinetics and high overpotentials, which need to be mitigated and reduced by increasing effective active sites and accelerating electron transfer. Hence, the development of favorable prices and robust electrocatalysts has become a research hotspot. Owing to a large specific surface area, regulatable chemical composition, pore structure, controllable topological structure, and clear surface function, metal-organic framework-based materials (MOFs) have been widely studied. Herein, we summarize relevant references in MOF-based materials with outstanding performance in water splitting and report the design, structure, and activity of a large number of MOF-based materials. In addition, great expectations are placed on the future development and application prospects of MOFbased electrocatalytic materials.

Keywords: Active Sites, Carbon Materials, Electrocatalysts, Faraday Efficiency, Mechanism, Metal Carbide, Metal Nitrides, Metal Oxides, Metal Phosphides, Metal Selenides, Metal Sulfides, Metallic Compounds, MOF, MOF Composites, MOF-derived Materials, Overpotential, Single Atom, Tafel Slope, Turnover Frequency, Water Splitting.

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