Cancer remains a daunting task for clinicians and scientists. Many scientists
across the globe are toiling in their labs to find an effective and safe treatment modality
for cancer. Although significant stride has been achieved in the field of cancer
treatment, and millions of precious lives have been saved using available therapeutic
strategies, viz. chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biologics and surgical intervention.
However, the search for the panacea for cancer is still not over, and new dimensions
are being constantly explored. Maneuvering the immune system for controlling and
treating cancer is a new fascinating field, and rigorous researches are underway. The
importance of anticancer immunity as a promising treatment approach has been
recognised even by the Nobel Prize Authority and James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo
were jointly awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their
revolutionary research in cancer immunotherapy. This chapter discusses the different
aspects of immune system response vis a vis cancer development and strategies to
manipulate the immune system through prebiotics and postbiotics to control and cure
the different types of cancer. Prebiotics and postbiotics are being explored extensively
for their role in modifying disease progression and control of cancer. Prebiotics and
postbiotics are considered safe alternatives to manipulate the immune system in order
to get therapeutic benefits for cancer.
Keywords: Anticancer immunity, Antigens, Antibody, Immune check points, Immune surveillance, Immunotherapy, Lymphocytes, Prebiotics, Postbiotics.