Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors are complex glycolipids, which typically anchor
extracellular proteins onto the lipid membranes of eukaryotic cells. Although providing a natural platform in
which to present or transfer functional molecules onto cells and viruses, GPI anchors are difficult biologics to
generate in a homogenously pure form. It is also difficult, though not impossible, to elucidate and confirm their
structures unambiguously. Today, chemical synthesis offers not only the versatility to make both complex and
simplified GPI mimics and tools, but also the means to directly relate an exact GPI structure to its biological
function. These synthetic GPIs may be further modified to allow the chemical attachment of any functional
molecule, and not solely proteins, in a biologically compatible manner. Fluorescent labels and affinity tags can be
exploited to investigate a particular biological response or process. Alternatively, synthetic glycans of GPI
anchors can be employed to elicit a particular immune response or to generate GPI-specific antibodies. In this
chapter, we shall overview the structure and synthesis of GPI anchors, and give perspectives on the biological
study and therapeutic potential of synthetically-derived GPI biologics.