The main concern of this chapter is to explain the use of probabilistic and statistical numerical dataset analysis in medical sciences, leading to computer graphics, tabular classifications and representations. These treatment procedures support medical professionals to advance their linguistic knowledge of a disease with numerical and visual results. Fuzzy and bivalent logic comparisons are presented for pulse rate, heart rate, and blood pressure based on age-related tables, which are used to elicit graphical and mathematical equivalents. Probabilistic and statistical assessment methods are explained in detail with some numerical data. In such quantitative assessments and methodological applications, the importance of assumptions is recommended as a significant warning and necessary guidance. The most frequently used regression methodology to determine relationships between two or more medical variables is explained with mathematical and graphical representations. Finally, the relationship between medicine and mathematics is explained.
Keywords: Assumptions, Graphs, Mathematics, Medicine, Numbers, Probability, Regression, Statistics, Tables, Uncertainty.