The importance of causation of occupational diseases and the role of the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) are discussed in this chapter. As
a case study, the process by which silica dust was judged a known human carcinogen
by IARC is reviewed. Silicosis is a chronic occupational lung disease known to be
caused by inhaling crystalline silica, and the pulmonary cancer risk after the diagnosis
of silicosis is a part of the IARC review of evidence. Laboratory animal evidence and
mechanistic findings supporting IARC evaluation are also described. There remains a
need to explore the association between silica exposure and other nonlung tumors,
especially gastrointestinal cancers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) developed a new regulatory standard that lowered the permissible exposure to
50ug/m3 in 2016. OSHA labeled silica as a known human carcinogen because of the
IARC assessment. Occupational medicine leaders need to address several current silica
dust problems such as silicosis/coal workers pneumoconiosis among coal miners, acute
silicosis and auto-immune diseases among countertop workers, and intervention
programs to lower silico-tuberculosis among South African miners. Future research
studies need good silica dust monitoring estimates and high-quality industrial hygiene
samples to evaluate the associations between silica exposure and many diverse
Keywords: Artisanal gold mining, Auto-immune ailments, Countertop manufacturing, Crystalline silica, History of causation assessment, Human cancer assessment, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Silico-tuberculosis, Silicosis, Lung cancer, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational diseases, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Quartz epidemiology, Prevention, Quartz exposure in coal mines.