AI and related digital technologies have practically weaved its way through everything
the 21st Century is tied to for performance and productivity. It provides individuals and
organizations with a better, closer, more holistic view of solutions as never before. For
most organizations, speed is essential on today’s landscape. Furthermore, AI, machine
learning, deep learning, natural language processing, big data, and other digital
technologies assist individuals and organizations to collaborate with others in real time
and connect processes and data to rapidly build trust and confidence.
Keywords: 5G, As-a-Service (aaS), Augmented reality, Automation, Blockchains, Cyber security, DARQ, Extended reality, Fifth dimension, First dimension, Fourth dimension, Human enhancement (HE), Internet of Behavior (IoB), Internet of Things (IoT), Parallelism, Quantum computing, Quantum qubits, Second dimension, Six dominant algorithmic pathways, Third dimension, Throughput Model, Virtuality reality.