The growing interest of researchers in artificial intelligence has unvealed its
potential applications in disease diagnosis, health monitoring, medical data
management, personalised medicine, and drug development. Artificial intelligence and
its related technology appear as a promising approach to treat the deadly disease of
cancer. Despite the enormous advancement in cancer research, the mortality rate is still
very high. Nanomedicine has played a vital role in cancer treatment, and the
introduction of artificial intelligence-related technology in nanomedicine increases the
hope of advanced cancer treatment and management. Artificial intelligence-enabled
nanofabrication techniques, along with a thorough understanding of cancer biology,
would enable selective anticancer drug targeting. Altogether, it can be stated that
artificial intelligence-based nanomedicine will act as a bridge between translational
research and effective clinical outcomes.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Artificial neural networks, Cancer nanomedicines, Computational modelling, Precision medicine.