Cities are powerful engines for globalization nourished by intensive social
skills and sky-high concentrations of expertise. Environmental sustainability is
discussed comparable to all parts of our lives – from making eco-homes and
ecologically cognizant networks to sourcing sustainable food, sustainable power, low
effect furniture, and apparel. This article presents a broad writing audit carried out and
provides a comprehensive run-through in the field of sustainable environment in the
matter of elementary foundations and inferences, importance and evolution, primary
factors, the impact of environmental change, scope, materialize factual and
technological runs also future arranging. The existing sustainable environment
prototypes and their approaches have been analyzed in various pieces of literature and
are also discussed and presented in this paper.This also aims to investigate the extent to
which the concept of sustainability is linked to the preservation, reclamation, and
adaptation of historic structures in the United Kingdom, before presenting a list of 15
guiding principles culled from a variety of sources by the author and his understudies
and colleagues. They are sorted into five flawed but supportive categories. The study
found that the applied theoretical exploration into sustainable cities hereafter is
esteemed of high tolerance and significance. Adding to this, the suggested holistic
approach is credited to be the predominant of all times. Not only are these, the
sustainable activities that are visualized for better ecology are also given likely to
reduce the amplified human warmth stress. This can be nullified by increasing
vegetation mass in urban areas, which comes up with the Eva transpiration and shading
benefits. This research study also focuses on presenting the Sixth mass extinction,
issues, and its solutions operating in the various fields under the sun. The current study
concludes that “Diversity is the key”.
Keywords: Ecology, Eva transpiration, Sixth mass extinction, Diversity.