Category “B” is a description of bone changes in systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE). Bone lesions in most patients with SLE show only mild changes,
including periarticular osteopenia, without erosions or deformities. Therefore, joint and
bone destruction is rarely seen. However, bone changes may be evident in some
patients with Jaccoud’s arthropathy and rhupus. Bone changes include a wide variety of
lesions such as bone erosions, bone cysts, osteophytes, and avascular osteonecrosis.
The findings of category B are important in the pathophysiology and diagnosis of SLE.
Bone lesions of SLE are outlined graphically in this chapter.
Keywords: Avascular osteonecrosis, Bone cysts, Bone erosions, Osteophytes, Periarticular osteopenia, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).