Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing (UAM) is an innovative process
technology that uses sound to combine layers of metal produced from foil stocks. The
variation seen in UAM from other AM techniques is that metals are not melted but
joined by ultrasonic welding instead. This technique uses high-frequency vibration to
bond the surfaces of metal foils while the metal remains firm. The addition of foils by
stacking one on the other by this welding technique leads to the creation of solid parts.
This method creates high-density metallurgical bonds without melting the metals. This
proves to be advantageous, as it avoids changes in grain size, phases, and precipitation
reactions. It also aids in bonding dissimilar metals without creating any brittle intermetallic
bonding. UAM provides a major application of embedding electronics in solid
metal parts to fabricate microelectronics systems like micro-processors, telemetry, and
Keywords: Additive manufacturing, Alloys, Applications, CAD model,
Ceramics, CNC, Dissimilar metals, Layered manufacturing, Metals, Material
compatibility, Microprocessor, Multi-materials, Rapid prototyping, Sensors,
Solid-state, Telemetry, Ultrasonic, Vibration amplitude, Weld force, Weld speed,