Lean Management Solutions for Contemporary Manufacturing Operations

Applied Design – Efficiency & Added Value

Author(s): Gonzalo F. Taboada *

Pp: 18-34 (17)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815036121121010005

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


This chapter explores the concept of non-value-added operations in manufacturing (NVAA; non-value-added-activities) and how it affects part design. In the past, parts were designed to be functional to the mission they would serve, usually without regard to ergonomics, assembly method, and efficiency, as in the aftermarket. The idea is to describe what currently are considered operations that do not add value to manufacturing and to show examples of applied design, giving an idea of how the designer or engineer should think when manufacturing a new product. They should not only focus on functionality but also on the process, always contextualizing the different technologies available, the laws in force and the market to which it is intended to be introduced.

Keywords: Activities, Aftermarket, Applied Design, Banjo, Bolt, Efficiency, Manufacturing, NVAA, Product, Tool, Value, Washer.

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