In this chapter, we deal with the spaces of Lp(Ω ). Here p may be a positive
finite number or equal to ∞ and Ω is a measurable set. We start by introducing
Lp(Ω ) space with its norm and provide some simple examples for different choices
of Ω. Next part is devoted to several important inequalities which are stated in order
as the Young, Holder and Minkowski inequalities with their corresponding reverse
inequalities, the interpolation, Gronwall, Komornik and Nakao inequalities. Moreover,
two types of the Green’s identities are presented. After investigating particular
cases of finite p, we then consider the infinite case p = ∞, namely L∞ space. The
Riesz-Fischer theorem is then analyzed with its proof in detail. In the remaining part,
embedding property of Lp(Ω) space, L1loc(Ω) space, the space of continuous functions, C0∞ (Ω) space, Holder space and Cm([0; T];X) space with further theorems
and properties are also given out in this chapter. Most of the theorems and propositions
in that chapter are expressed with proofs. The statements without proof are
addressed to the references given at the end of the book. Particularly [16–20] may be
Keywords: Lp(Ω) spaces, Young inequality, Holder inequality, Minkowski
inequality, Gronwall inequality, Komornik inequality, Nakao inequality,
Green’s identities, Riesz-Fischer theorem, L1 loc(Ω ) space, C∞
0 (Ω ) space, Holder space.