Non-covalent intermolecular interactions are the fundamental forces which
defines all the shape and structural stability of the biomolecules. Hydrogen bonds hold
strands of DNA together and also responsible for determining the three-dimensional
structure of folded proteins, whereas electrostatic and vander waals interactions are
found to be a dominant factor in determining conformation of biomolecules.
Noncovalent forces are individually weak relative to covalent bonds, but the
cumulative effect of such interactions in a protein or nucleic acid can be very
significant. They all play a fundamental role in fields as diverse as supramolecular
chemistry, structural biology, polymer science and nanotechnology.
Keywords: Covalent and non covalent forces, Dipole-Dipole interactions, Ionic
bonds, Thermophiles: Supramolecules, Vander waals contact distance.