For centuries, complications of cardiovascular disease (CVD) have been
documented as the prominent cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. CVD and
pandemic disease precipitate different kinds of damage in the myocardium, which also
contribute to the death rates in the vulnerable population.
Almost all viral infections, including COVID-19 and influenza species, have the
potential to inflict damage to the myocardial tissue, which also contributes to the
severity of the disease itself. For instance, COVID-19 can trigger multiple organ
failures with remarkable end results on cardiovascular functions. Its damage to the
CVD like myocarditis, myocardial injury, de novo heart failure, acute coronary
syndromes including STEMI, and various kinds of fatal and non-fatal dysrhythmias can
be mentioned. Although most cases with myocarditis are asymptomatic or exhibit a
mild course, it can precipitate acute heart failure and fatal respiratory failure.
Clinicians should be alert in patients with signs and symptoms compatible with
myocarditis, pericarditis and/or endocarditis in the pandemic period and routine care
because expedient diagnosis and management can prevent adverse outcomes in
selected cases.
Keywords: Cardiovascular disease, COVID-19, Diagnosis, Endocarditis,
Management, Myocardial damage, Myocarditis, Pericarditis.