The relevance of student feedback to the quality of higher education
institutes is highlighted in this chapter. Different student feedback formats and
processes are reviewed. The importance of this process in enhancing the academic
performance of the colleges is discussed in the Indian context. The popular feedback
surveys are studied and their merits and drawbacks are mentioned. Student feedback
data in electronic format is collected from a college in Andhra Pradesh, India, for 2019.
The data is analyzed in light of the academic performance of the college. The study
tries to find out whether the outcome of student feedback (SFB) provides the correct
opinion of the students about the teaching-learning process of the higher education
institutes (HEI). Results show that students have not given the true picture of teachinglearning
of the institute. Possible reasons are discussed and suggestions are mentioned
to make the SFB a relevant process in improving the academic grade and rank of HEI.
Keywords: College, Co-curricular, Employment, Extra-curricular, Grade, HEI,
Higher education, ICT, IQAC, NAAC, Questionnaire, Rating scale, Skills,
Student feedback, Student progression, Student, Survey, Teacher, Teachinglearning,