Gene silencing is a mechanism by which several protein expressions may be
controlled in eukaryotes. Since its invention, many studies have been performed for its
diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. siRNAs have created special attention for the
treatment of incurable and difficult disease conditions. However, there are many
challenges regarding their systemic administration and stability in the blood vascular
system. In this regard, nanoparticles are demonstrating unique properties that may
make this tool applicable as an advanced delivery vehicle. In this study, we have
discussed various challenges for the use of bare siRNAs in the human body. We have
also discussed the methods that may be used to fabricate the nanoparticles in order to
deliver siRNAs. Moreover, we have included several nanoparticle conjugates with their
advantages and disadvantages while using them as a delivery vehicle.
Keywords: Blood-brain barrier, Carbon-based nanoconjugate, Carbon nanotube,
Cyclodextrin, Dendrimer, Endocytosis, Gold nanoparticle, Gene silencing,
Graphene, Hydrogel nanoparticle, Immune response, Intravenous administration,
Lipid-based nanoconjugate, Magnetic nanoparticle, Metal oxide nanoparticles,
Polymer, Quantum dot nanoparticle, Silica-based nanoparticles, Systemic
administration, Theranostic.