The rapid spread of the disease has strained the health system and increased
the risk of infection on healthcare workers (HCW). HCW is the group with the highest
risk of transmission among all professions. Within COVID-19 deaths, HCW is
overrepresented when compared to all other groups. The prevalence of the disease in
the general population maintains a certain correlation with the prevalence in HCW.
Resuscitative interventions and airway procedures that trigger aerosolization pose the
greatest risk for disease transmission to HCW. Therefore, the use of PPE is vital.
Proper training and education of HCW are invaluable in this pandemic era. Since the
viral load taken in these procedures is higher than the contamination outdoors, it can be
thought that the disease progresses more severe ly in the HCW than the others. In case
of all viral outbreaks, hospitals should prepare and follow strict guidelines regarding
ventilation of the workplaces and contact precautions.
Keywords: Aerosolization, COVID-19, Healthcare professionals, Healthcare
workers, Nosocomial spread, Outbreak, Pandemic, Transmission.