Neurodegenerative diseases (NDD) are a heterogeneous group of disorders
characterized by a progressive, selective loss of physiologically related neuronal
systems. Some prominent diseases include Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s
disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and
Huntington’s disease (HD). It is believed that oxidative stress-induced cellular
degeneration, inflammation, mitochondrial involvement, and dysfunction are important
aspects in the pathogenesis of NDDs. Despite many decades of research and intensive
studies, it has been an unending struggle to discover the root cause and a cure for these
life-threatening ailments. However, the emerging domains of research provide evidence
that probiotics and human gut microflora have a peculiar relationship with health and
the pathogenesis of several diseases, including NDDs.
Microbiome and nutrients have a profound impact on the brain by influencing their
development and function in health and diseases. The gut ecosystem and any
modulation thereof exhibit a significant impact on the physiological and psychological
health of an individual. The present chapter discusses the effect of the beneficial gut
microbial community versus pathogens on the overall human health and its role in the
development, diagnosis, and management of NDDs, especially Alzheimer’s disease
(AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Furthermore, the potency of probiotics and
prebiotics as a gut-friendly therapeutic agent to treat these disorders is highlighted.
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, Antioxidant, Gut microbiome, Gut-brain axis,
Neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s disease, Prebiotics, Probiotics.