In the 21st century, a lot of progress has been made in the treatment against
different kinds of Neurodegenerative disorders (NDs). Antioxidant therapy is one of
the most common types of therapy for NDs. Among Antioxidant therapy, reduced GSH
delivery systems are widely utilized. Gut-microbiome based treatment is also widely
accepted. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is one of the major hurdles that reduce the
efficacy of several neuroprotective drugs. That is why nanoformulation based drug is
currently trending to potentially treat the neurodegenerative disease. 3D organoid
model is employed to mimic the in vivo condition for the development of drugs for
NDs. Target specific surgical interventions are also utilized to improve the symptoms
of neurological diseases. Chemical compound mediated protection only provides
symptomatic relief. In long term usage, this chemical compound causes several side
effects. Herbal plant-mediated therapy is a better alternative for the same. Diet is a
basic part of our life. By manipulating our diet in such a way that include several beans
may be very helpful in the treatment of several NDs. Accordingly, this chapter explores
some important recent advancement in the treatment of different NDs.
Keywords: Alzheimer`s disease, Huntington`s disease, Mucuna pruriens,
Parkinson`s disease, Ursolic acid.