Color of the human skin is primarily due to the presence of pigment
melanin, which is produced by the specialized cells called melanocytes. Normal
pigmentation is dependent on the normal structure and function of these cells. Irregular
lightening of skin lead to hypopigmentary disorder of the skin in which cutaneous and
ocular melanocytes are destroyed resulting in loss of pigmentation. Hypopigmentary
disorders remained one of the enigmatic issues since the early days of human
civilization. Several conventional treatment modalities are available for
hypopigmentary disorders; however unsatisfactory results and the indefinite possibility
of relapse generally make patients dissatisfied with the treatment. Consequently, the
treatment with botanical extracts has better results with less or few side effects. Till
date, various plants and their constituents have been tested for their repigmentation
activity and results are highly acceptable. In the present chapter, we have emphasized
the use of plants and their constituents for the treatment of skin hypopigmentation.
Various studies in support of the plant based treatments have also been discussed.
Keywords: Conventional treatment, Disorders, Hypopigmentation, Melanin,