The use of herbal plants as natural remedies is gaining immense global
popularity in feeding systems of humans and animals including avian species due to
their promising health benefits. Among the livestock sector, poultry production and
regulations are in a continuous development, particularly in the field of nutrition,
genetic, refinement, management and disease prevention, which could be probably
achieved through regulation of the nutritional needs and the poultry production
prerequisites. Therefore, this section is directed toward the use of herbs as a therapeutic
and sustainable production tool, because of their health and economic benefits. This
chapter will discuss and highlight the valuable impacts and the latest features of
supplementing the livestock rations with garlic and rosemary herbs, including their
promising natural growth promoting activities and useful applications in improving,
performance, feed efficiency and nutrient digestibility in addition to enhancing
antioxidant capacity and immunological responses and this would be helpful for
veterinarians, scientists, pharmacists, physiologists, pharmaceutical industries,
nutritionists and poultry breeders.
Keywords: Beneficial effects, Garlic and rosemary, Mechanism of action,
Poultry, Sources.