Hospital plays a critical role in prevention and treatment of diseases, as well
as rehabilitation and improvement of public health. The biomedical waste is the waste
that is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or
animals or in the production or testing of biological components. The application of
proper waste management techniques and their identification help improve the
understanding of a good waste management practice. A cost-effective environmentfriendly
technology is also required. The present study was carried out to find the
significance and to recommend the development method of bioremediation using
fungal strains isolated from cow dung. Further, the isolated fungal strain was identified
by using the 18S r-RNA sequencing method, which helps to identify the species. 18S r-
RNA sequencing is one of the techniques that have been used to identify
microorganisms. Thus this strain was identified as C. neoformans based on its
morphological characteristics and the r-DNA sequencing of its region data, followed by
FESEM characterization. The surface texture and morphology of medical wastes like
catheter, IV tubes, were analysed. The fungal strains grown in the biomedical waste
powder were observed for their ability to grow and absorb the waste. The results
showed that Cryptococcus neoformans strongly adheres to the surface of polyethylene
powder, indicating the utilization of medical waste. From the results obtained, it was
clear that C. neoformans has the ability to degrade medical wastes like catheter and IV
tubes. Bioremediation of the medical wastes can reduce pollutants in the soil and
atmosphere and cause less harmful effects to the plants and animals.
Keywords: Biodegradtion of Plactics, Biomedical Waste, Bioremediation,