The marine ecosystem is highly contaminated by plastic debris, which is the
major part of marine debris. Plastics are nondegradable and persistent in the
environment for many centuries. The products which we are using in our day to day
life have microplastics and the dumping of plastic waste is converted into microplastics
by weathering and degradation. The microplastics’ contamination in the ocean and
other products is an emerging global concern that has severe impacts on the
environment and health problems to the biota. The ingestion of microplastics by the
marine biota and the human being's also by consuming seafood and other products
leads to severe health disorders. Moreover, the microplastics have a special feature of
adsorbing the toxicants in the environment and act as a vehicle for the transfer of those
toxicants to which the organisms are exposed. The top predators may be subjected to
greater risk due to the ingestion of microplastics. This study deals with the sources of
microplastics, their impacts on marine biota and human beings, the management and
control measures of microplastic pollution in the environment.
Keywords: Eco-safe, Marine Biota, Marine Debris, Mesoplastics, Microliter,
Microplastics, POPs.