Biosystems are responsive to almost all types of stimuli. These stimuli are in
the form of fluctuations in their internal and external environments. Abiota, biota, and
nanomaterials are interactive components of the environment. These units exhibit a
wide range of reactivity because of their respective physicochemical, biomolecular,
biochemical, and biophysical features. Biosystem is a complex unit of biota and these
are acellular, cellular, unicellular and multicellular structurally and functionally in
nature. Cell being the structural and functional unit of the biosystem, is a wellorganized
structure exhibiting wide variety, nature, and functions that bring about the
sustenance of the biosystem. Nanomaterials are some of the most desired novel
materials to be used as agents to carry drugs, as a component of biomedical aids,
diagnostic tools, biomedical imaging, etc. Inter-actions between nanomaterials and the
biosystem are very ubiquitous and at the same time ambiguous. Most of the
physicochemical properties of nanomaterials play significant roles and cause impacts
on interacting materials. These materials are inorganic, organic, or living. Cellular
uptake of nanoparticles is a common phenomenon and has a wide range of applications
in the field of nanomedicine from cell tracking, cellular to molecular imaging, disease
targeting, drug/gene delivery, diagnosis, and therapy. Nanoparticle-based diagnostic or
therapeutic applications are mainly attributed to the various methods of
functionalization and localization in the cellular and subcellular compartments. The
pre-requisite for the nanoparticle-based therapeutic applications mainly involves the
mechanisms of the uptake of the nanoparticles which also determines the fate of these
nanoparticles for effective efficacy. Applications of nanomaterials are dependent on the
regulated interaction between biota and abiota of the environment. The wide range of
functionality of nanoparticles is because of their physicochemical properties, ability to
get modified or formulated readily, as per the need, and the greatest flexibility among
the adaptability of biota. The potential use of nanomaterials may be the cause of their
derogative impacts on abiota and biota. It is one of the prime concerns during
development, formulation, and applications in varied fields to provide insight into the
interactions between nanomaterials and the biosystem. One must understand the
intricacies of their interactions within biosystems.
Keywords: Biocompatibility, Cellular-uptake, Cell membrane, Cytoskeleton, Cellularuptake,
Caveolae-mediated endocytosis, Clathrin-mediated endocytosis, Enhanced
permeable and retention effect, Glycocalyx, Internationalization of nanoparticles,
Phagocytosis, Proton sponge effect.