In this manuscript we provide an outline of the numerical methods
used in implementing the density constrained time-dependent Hartree-Fock
(DC-TDHF) method and provide a few examples of its application to nuclear
fusion. In this approach, dynamic microscopic calculations are carried out on a
three-dimensional lattice and there are no adjustable parameters, the only input
is the Skyrme effective NN interaction. After a review of the DC-TDHF theory
and the numerical methods, we present results for heavy-ion potentials V (R),
coordinate-dependent mass parameters M(R), and precompound excitation energies
E*(R) for a variety of heavy-ion reactions. Using fusion barrier penetrabilities,
we calculate total fusion cross sections σ(Ec:m:) for reactions between
both stable and neutron-rich nuclei. We also determine capture cross sections
for hot fusion reactions leading to the formation of superheavy elements.
Keywords: TDHF, DC-TDHF, heavy-ion fusion, neutron-rich nuclei, superheavy elements