This chapter summarizes the main results of this book and draws some
conclusions. Special attention is paid to the axiomatic basis, i.e., to Schrödinger’s
requirements and Hertz’s program, which lead to the novel paradigm of quantization
as selection problem (rather than eigenvalue problem). Both ones are realized by
means of limiting (Schrödingerian weight) functions, which guarantee the validity of
the energy conservation law in the classically forbidden regions of configuration and
momentum configuration spaces (e.g, beyond the turning points of classical
oscillators). Further topics are the separation of external and internal parameters as
initiated by Euler, the differences between classical and quantum wave equations,
causality and determinism, hidden variables, symmetry and field quantization.
Keywords: Axiomatic, Causality, Configuration, Determinism, Euler, External
parameters, Field quantization, Hertz’s program, Hidden variables, Internal
parameters, Limiting functions, Momentum configuration, Quantization,
Schrödinger’s requirements, Symmetry, Trajectory, Wave equation, Weight